Feb 2, 2023 10:10:32 AM |

Our team accomplished a lot in 2022 to further provide our customers with a secure, reliable, and market-leading platform. This blog post includes some exciting updates for Q1 that continues the momentum gained last year into 2023.
Product Updates
Check out the list below to learn more about features that are available now or will be coming soon.
What’s here now:
1. Secure File Sharing - Ability to share files with multiple recipients - Available now!
Send files to or request files from multiple recipients within Secure File Sharing.
Resource: Quick Guide.
2. Request List Management - New Team Page - Available now!
The team page (for managing team members) has been updated with a new intuitive look and feel. It has also been optimized on the backend to speed up search and responsiveness. It can now support thousands of users efficiently.
Resources: Team Page FAQs and Team Page Product Cheat Sheet.
What’s coming soon:
1. Secure File Sharing - Outlook Add-in - Available January / February 2023
This feature will allow Microsoft Outlook Office365 users to use Secure File Sharing directly from their email. The add-in will be available for your desktop client as well as on the web. Stay tuned for more on this.
2. Request List Management - Hide team member, engagement & client creation - Available Q1
When an administrator enables this feature, it removes the ability to view or edit these settings directly in the application by all team members.
3. Request List Management - Create a custom Engagement ID - Available Q1
Custom engagement ID created with our open API will now show in the clients and engagement pages. This change will make locating specific engagements through search much easier.
An engagement ID can now be added manually when creating new engagements or editing them in the application.
4. Request List Management - New Clients Page - Available 2023
A refreshed design for the clients page. Searching for and managing clients will be more intuitive. Page response and performance will also be improved.
We hope this news adds some excitement for 2023. Keep an eye on your inbox for more information in the coming weeks and months. Don’t forget to follow us on social to keep up with the latest.
Thank you!
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