Request List Management
Exchange securely. Track easily. Share instantly. Stress negatively.
Talk to Sales
Organize your Requests
Automate the document request process
Dynamic request List
All your client requests are in one place, updated in real time, and accessible by everyone working on the engagement.
Templates and rollovers
Import your existing spreadsheet list for ultra-fast setup. Create templates to reuse when adding new clients.
Customizable user portal
Create a unique experience and help users feel secure by creating a custom sub-domain that has your name and logo at the login page and in system emails.
“We found the best solution out on the market. It really helped organize a disorganized part of our processes.”

Streamline Your Engagement Process
Do more within the Suralink platform with E-signature

Integrated e-signature
E-signature capabilities are now available within Request List Management, allowing you to electronically sign any type of document and request that your clients do too.

Request signatures from any user
Turn any document into one that can be e-signed, and gather up to five firm and client user signatures per document.

Visibility and organization
All final signed documents will be securely saved within the correct engagement, along with a full audit trail

Invite Users
Give users the permissions they need—and none they don’t

Individual user assignment
Ensure clear accountability by assigning firm and client users to specific requests.
Private requests
Transfer sensitive information within engagements by making private requests that are accessible only to specific users.
Unlimited client users
Invite clients as often as you need without worrying about whether or not you have enough licenses for them.
API connectivity
Easily export your engagement, client, or user data and manage, create, edit, delete, and assign client accounts and users.
“I’ve used Suralink at large firms and now as a sole practitioner, and in both cases, it has helped me increase efficiency by at least 15%, if not more.”

Drag and drop functionality
Want to add a file? Drag it and drop it. Want to add 30 files? Drag them and drop them all at once.
Any file type, and unlimited storage
Whether it’s an obscure compressed file, a giant Quickbooks backup, or something else altogether, we can handle it.
Integrated chat
Increase the speed and effectiveness of your client communication with the ability to add comments specific to each individual request.
Access from anywhere
Access your documents and engagements from anywhere with a cloud-based platform that includes the highest levels of enterprise-grade security.
“Our preparers have been as much as 50% more efficient when it comes to organizing some engagements now that we’re using Suralink.”

Track Progress
Get immediate insight into projects and engagements

Instant notifications
Receive instant notifications of any new activiity in the system. You can even log in after the work is done and see exactly what happened while you were away.
Approval Workflow
Effectively manage the lifecycle of each request. Accept requests that have been fulfilled properly and send back requests that aren’t complete.
Real-time dashboards
View of the document gathering process in real time. Know exactly which documents have been requested and submitted. A timeline of engagements provides a clear audit trail and accountability of all activity.
Schedule engagement updates for regular intervals with just a few clicks and automatically delete old data or engagements.
“I don’t think there’s really a better way to say it other than if you don’t use Suralink you’re not making a smart decision."