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The Busy Season is Over. But Are Its Challenges?

Jul 8, 2024 10:00:00 AM | 5 min read


Though tax season might be over for the time being, the unique challenges and landscape obstacles facing financial professionals are still very active. Some of these challenges are well-known to accountants the world over, while others are particular to certain regions and driven by a variety of local political and legal factors.

However, though many of these obstacles are formidable, they are not insurmountable. Accounting, tax, and other professionals can benefit from studying them closely, and by executing solutions that are both specific and, to many, surprisingly simple. What follows are several such problem-solution dyads that financial professionals should consider.

A General Concern: Accountants, or The Lack Thereof

It’s no secret that the global accounting landscape is suffering a talent shortage. Fewer students are considering the profession during their schooling, the existing workforce in this industry is aging, and the fundamental nature of the space is rapidly changing.

Though this problem demands a systemic and long-term solution, accountants and other financial professionals can also take steps to close that talent gap in the here and now. A common problem for these professionals is the time spent managing and validating documents. It’s not uncommon for document-chasing to become its own job, with hours, days, and even weeks of time lost to simply keeping track of files across scattershot portals and spreadsheets.

A New Paradigm

While the accounting world’s aforementioned digital transformation yields many questions, it’s also resulted in a few solutions. Suralink, the world leader in PBC request list and engagement management software, is a platform that does away with such a fragmented audit process in favor of a single, streamlined platform that houses all of your documents. Additionally, every participant on either end of the engagement can view and update the status of these files in real time, slashing the time that would otherwise be spent attempting to do so manually.

Accounting professionals can use this capability to combat the global professional talent shortage head on. By reducing the time spent chasing documents, poring over emails, and individual validations with clients, (sometimes by as much as 50%), firms can use that saved time to help close the talent gap with, well, their existing talent! This capability will only be strengthened with time and further platform refinements.

Global Reach, Local Impact

The talent shortage facing many professional service sectors has worldwide implications, but Suralink’s platform also allows you to tailor your needs to your community and your clients. Such customization makes it simple to build an engagement no matter whether you’re a community firm or have clients all over the world.

This sort of versatility is also vital for businesses as they scale. Being able to effortlessly add users on the professional side and the user side means that platforms, and engagements, can keep pace with the mutual success being built. Additionally, you can save templates to use again next time around, further saving time and embedding vital engagement processes. These concrete platform features help create a more holistic interaction for everyone involved.

A Wider Experience World

Though reducing time spent tracking documents and securing engagements as much as possible are both important, a platform that can do both has much more to offer accounting and finance professionals everywhere. Click here to get in touch with one of Suralink’s experts to learn more about how our platform meaningfully improves experiences for your professionals and your clients no matter the space’s digital or talent transformation!