Mar 2, 2021 4:42:23 PM |

Yuli Mihaylov has worked for every type of firm imaginable—from boutique firms to large firms in the top 25. At her last firm, she was the Practice Leader for the Benefits Plan Niche and was responsible for managing teams that worked with more than 300 clients. In April 2020, she decided to take the next step in her career and start her own practice: Yulishana.
Mihaylov was also looking for a solution that allowed her to leave comments on individual requests, could visually track the progress of an engagement, and could make her—as a sole practitioner—as efficient as possible.
Download the case study to discover how Suralink has helped Yulishana:
- Understand the progress of engagements
- Reduce management time and improve the client experience
- Increase efficiency by at least 15%
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